Monday, November 18, 2013

For the last test lab day, we made the Black Forest cake and the brownies. This was fairly uneventful seeing as it was pretty and I had made the cake the previous day. I started by making the brownie mix and put that in the oven. The only part that's difficult about the brownies is making sure that you don't over bake them. This is very easy to do, and the instructor seems to like them very under baked so that they aren't dry. I went on to ice and mask the cake. Again, this wasn't too difficult especially since we've had quite a lot of practice. I watched lots of videos and demonstrations online trying to find an easy way to do this without it taking me an hour (like before). I think that I did a fairly good job with this and it looked pretty good! The only thing that I sort of messed up on was the brownies- I over baked them just a little. The outsides were too dry, but the insides were nice and moist. My instructor noticed the dry brownies, but saw that they were fine closer to the centre. He also said that I had done a good job with the cake. So I was pleased.

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