Tuesday, October 8, 2013

       We have started our new schedule, and so I know have lab days on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday with another instructor. We were all a little nervous going into class yesterday with the new instructor. He is very intense, talented and FRENCH! He's fairly intimidating, however I think that I will enjoy his classes. The recipes we worked on were also a lot more complicated than what we've worked on so far. We made two flans; one with pears poached in cinnamon and star anise, raspberry jam, apricot glaze and almond cream, and the other was a chocolate flan topped with raspberries. Recipes within recipes is always difficult. He also had us working in teams of two with whoever was beside us. That way each person can make two of the recipes and share. We each made our own "pate sucre", and then I made the poached pears and the apricot glaze. Both flans turned out very well! The pear flan was perfect, although the glaze I put on top was a little thick- but that's OK! The chocolate flan was easy, although it was very difficult to tell when it was done baking. It was supposed to still jiggle a little, however not too much. So I had to sort of guess when that one was done. He said that my crust was a little dark, but that it was good! So I was glad! This lab went until 9h30 pm. so I was exhausted by the time I got home! Also, I didn't end up getting home until 10h20 pm. because a classmate had fallen down the stairs as we were leaving and thought she broke her ankle! We all stayed with her until the ambulance arrived, so I was even later than usual. Luckily we won't have too many classes that end so late.

Poached Pear Flan

Chocolate Flan

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